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Construction Management

Ambitious schedules, demanding processes and overlapping construction phases characterize the realization process of industrial plants in a GxP-regulated environment. However, with careful planning and preparation of the assembly phases, nothing stands in the way of the successful completion of a construction project. With experienced construction managers, Chemgineering coordinates the construction and assembly work of the various trades and checks whether the defined service has been provided and the quality of the work results is right.

The primary aim of time-saving parallel work is to create the framework conditions for a smooth and safe process on the construction site. Construction management has the task of coordinating the construction and assembly activities with a group of specialists and eliminating any difficulties that arise as quickly as possible in order to avoid undesirable effects on costs and deadlines. Only a team experienced and successful in construction management can meet these high requirements in terms of vigilance, problem-solving skills and discipline.


Benefit from "Constructability" experience at an early stage

With the construction manager's trained eye for "constructability", relevant aspects can already be incorporated into the tender for the assembly trades. The design of the construction site logistics and the sequence of operations provides important information on the delivery and transportation of the equipment to be procured and the work to be carried out at an early stage.

A construction manager involved in the planning of the investment project can advise the project manager and the process engineers on possible execution problems.

The earlier the construction manager can exert influence on execution details and construction strategy, the more reliably the project controlling specifications can be adhered to. His many years of construction site experience pay off, for example, when it comes to problems with bringing in bulky and heavy equipment, conflict zones between trades and constructability solutions (optimal construction).


Construction site safety

Building owners are responsible for safety on a construction site. A person must be designated on every construction site who is responsible for occupational health and safety. With well-trained health and safety coordinators, we ensure safe processes on your construction site.

Construction site logistics

Flow of goods, flow of people, special transports. Construction sites are complex areas, and the construction of industrial plants in GxP-regulated areas is a complex project. With forward-looking construction site logistics, we bring structure to the complexity and ensure the energy supply to the construction site, access to office, crew and material containers, the traffic concept and the transport routes.

Assembly monitoring

Deadlines are very tight due to the demanding logistics and the limited space available in existing plant areas. Chemgineering coordinates the entire execution and monitors compliance with the planning, specifications and applicable regulations. All processes are specified in detail and scheduled. Once the objects are in the right place, we check the installation quality, ensure acceptance by the customer and coordinate and monitor the rectification of defects. After quality assurance, the work is finally documented and handed over as-built, either object by object, package by package or as a whole.

How we make your GMP project a success

  • Comprehensive construction management involving all project managers
  • Early involvement of construction management in the construction project
  • Experienced site managers / construction management
  • Construction site safety - We take care of safety and health coordination for you
  • Construction site logistics - We manage the logistics of your construction site so that everything and everyone is in the right place at the right time
  • Installation supervision - Consistent monitoring of installation and quality assurance for optimum results


Relevant Projects

Building 305 - VAS10 - Centrifuge Plant & GMP Upgrade
House of Nutrition
New Facility HD15
Packaging System
60m³ Fermentation System
New Solids Launch Facility (NSLF)
Filling line for pre-filled syringes
New glycoenzyme production
F/3000 DSP Cystine León
Recombinant Ebola Vaccine Production
Hyaluronic Acid Filler Extension: New WFI System
Production Expansion for HA Filler
Designs of Labs, Research Center and Offices
Exhaust gas incinerator / RTO
Multi-purpose plant for fine chemicals production
COMAR Chemie AG, Expansion Stage 1
Building 50 MZ 170
New PW generator & automation
New Office Building for Roche Diagnostics

If you have any questions about construction management, please contact us

We help you to successfully implement your project.

With professional construction management in GMP-regulated areas. Get in touch with us.

Switzerland +41 (0) 61 467 54 00
Germany +49 (0) 611 778870
Spain +34 (0) 932 38 49 90