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Medical Device Compliance Consulting

Chemgineering supports you in the introduction of an inspection-safe quality management system and in all matters relating to regulatory requirements in medical technology. With our specialists at your side, you can look forward to an inspection by the authorities with complete peace of mind and bring your medical device safely and compliantly to your target markets.

For the safety of patients and users - For your company's success

Defective medical devices endanger the safety of patients and users and have far-reaching consequences for manufacturers. As a result of past incidents, regulatory requirements have been tightened and the implementation of existing regulations and standards is subject to stricter scrutiny.

Develop and introduce a quality management system

Chemgineering supports you in the introduction of a compliant quality management system in accordance with e.g. EU MDR, US FDA and ISO 13485:2016. We bring our many years of industry experience to you. Together, we determine the scope of the project and select a suitable approach. It goes without saying that your individual needs are our priority. The systematic approach of our interdisciplinary team of experienced consultants includes solution development and implementation as well as support throughout the entire product life cycle.


Obtaining market approval and opening up new markets

Whether you are an established manufacturer looking to launch a new medical device, enter a new market or an innovative start-up dealing with regulations and standards for the first time: Medical device manufacturers and their suppliers must be able to present a coherent, reliable and compliant quality management system - and therefore safe and effective products - to the regulatory authorities in their target markets. If they cannot do this, they will not receive approval. Or lose their existing approval and can no longer serve their markets. We know the requirements of the authorities and provide you with guidance in the regulatory jungle.

Successfully pass audits on a regular basis

The international regulatory authorities have built up a well-functioning network. If a serious product incident is suspected in Australia, for example, this is communicated to the regulatory authorities worldwide within 24-72 hours and it is only a matter of time before the European regulatory authorities contact them to request detailed product information.

Global regulatory cooperation is also being driven by joint audit programs, such as the MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Program), a collaboration between Canada, USA, Brazil, Australia and Japan.  In addition, the practice of unannounced audits has become established. Both at national/regional level, e.g. based on the EU MDR or the US FDA Quality System Regulation, and at international level.

This means that, as an organization, you can expect an audit at any time - and must therefore be "all-time compliant". The previous practice of preparing for an audit/inspection at short notice no longer applies. In addition, continuous and consistent further development of the quality management system is significantly more cost-effective than event-driven emergency action.

The supply industry of medical device manufacturers is also involved in the above-mentioned initiatives: During the audit of a medical device manufacturer, their suppliers may also be audited. Medical device manufacturers must therefore ensure that their suppliers - even if they are not certified according to medical QMS standards - meet the requirements of the medical technology regulations and standards. Supplier management ("supplier controls") is therefore an essential element in order to be successful on the market.

With our specialists at your side, you can face an inspection by the authorities with complete peace of mind and bring your medical device safely and compliantly to your target markets.


We consult you on the topics of quality management system compliance, audits & inspections, global supplier management, Q&R education

  • MDD/IVD transition to MDR/IVDR
  • Preparation for ISO 13485:2016 certification
  • Support for international approval of medical devices
  • Conducting internal and supplier audits
  • Supplier qualification and 3rd party audits worldwide
  • Preparation of audits by the notified body or regulatory authorities
  • Inspection preparation and follow-up
  • Mock audits & GAP analyses
  • MDSAP compliance
  • US FDA/ QSReg compliance
  • ANVISA compliance
  • Complaint handling management
  • Risk management (ISO 14971)
  • Quality management: Optimization and implementation
  • Quality Oversight & KPIs
  • Trainings on quality-related topics
  • Compliance consulting for combined products ("Combination Products")

Relevant Projects

University Hospital Basel Operation Wing East
Software validation of 3D printers
MDR-Ready and QM-Support
IVDR-Ready and QM-Support
Concept study on personnel locks and production
Blister MedTec
Inhouse Training – Customer Specific
Development of primary packaging for parenterals
Restructuring of plasma production and sterile filling

If you have any questions about compliance in medical devices and technology, please contact

We help you to successfully implement your project.

With professional compliance consulting in medical devices and technology. Get in touch with us.

Switzerland +41 (0) 61 467 54 00
Germany +49 (0) 611 778870
Spain +34 (0) 932 38 49 90